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Intentional Creativity Painting

  • Emandal-A Farm on a River 16500 Hearst-Post Office Road Willits, CA, 95490 United States (map)

throw open the gate… a wild overgrown garden awaits your attention!

Tend, Weed, Plant and Celebrate your inner garden with acrylic PAINT and CANVAS.

No prior painting experience necessary - just a willingness to play with paint and get messy in the garden.

What potential wants to Bloom?

Course description: Using the garden as metaphor for our lives, we will push open the creaking gate and enter our garden.

We will tend to the land that is us. What is here in this garden? Are there rocks or weeds that need to be moved? Have birds, bugs or maybe a feral cat made their home in our garden? What is the shape of our garden? We will explore with paint, symbols and stories. We will journey into the heart and the soul of the garden and see what our garden wants us to know. 

We will use Intentional Creativity to paint layer by layer and build up our painting (garden) ready for planting. We will look at seeds and seed shapes and add those to our garden. We will explore weeds, what is a weed? Maybe you, like me, like a planned chaotic garden? Or perhaps you prefer the more pristine English Garden. Whatever garden calls to you, we will prepare the soil and seeds for planting during our first days together.

We will explore with paint, what seeds did I plant and what is beginning to come up in the Garden? What ancient beings also call this garden home? Do you have an old, gnarled apple tree in your garden? Do you have an underground seep? What wisdom do they offer? We will add their wisdom and image into the garden with paint.

We will explore how you add yourself to your garden. Are you a sunflower following the sun as it travels across your garden? Are you the moss covered birdbath nourishing the wild ones who drink at your edges? By the end of our time together, we will each have a painted image that radiates the garden that is us. We will share our paintings, thoughts and stories with each other in the gardens that we have created all week.

Artist and teacher Terre Willow Rose will guide you through an Intentional Creativity process with paint and story to create the Garden that is YOU onto your canvas. Your final painting will be a landscape garden that represents you and your blooming potential. 

No prior painting experience necessary. All supplies provided. You will be led step by step. We will practice basic painting techniques like color, texture, light/shadows and bringing things into the foreground and pushing them to the background. We will create a color wheel in our journals, we will explore scratching techniques in the paint to add texture, play with collage and stencils onto the canvas. Bring a journal and your favorite pen to write notes and thoughts.We will spend some time exploring our painting with journaling.

Intentional Creativity: Creating with intention is simply working with mindfulness in whatever we set our hands to. Whether it is creating soup, a garden, a business plan or a painting. We are more present because we choose to be. Intentional Creativity is an approach to creating that yields greater access to who we are now and who we are becoming.

Artist Bio: I am an artist, a teacher, a healer and a mother of young adults.My teaching style is light and fun. I truly love people and connecting on a heart level. I like to laugh and play and get messy. My artistic style is whimsical, filled with scribbles and crooked lines, bright colors, and stories. I dance, paint and makes up stories - usually all at the same time.

I love the power and the beauty of the creative process in helping us transform and step more fully into our greater selves. I love when people come together to create, build community, explore possibilities, laugh, play, and share stories. Magic happens when women gather!

My mission is to remind myself and others, that we can live a joyous life filled with love, while stepping into the truth and beauty of who we are - Messy as it all may be.

I am a School Nurse by day and painter by “the rest of the time”.

Cost for ArtStay

To Register for Class

August 14


August 24

Dried Flower Wreaths