February’s Anomolies
Glorious winter days, with sun shining warmly….. along with blustery, freezing, slushy days, with not a ray of sun. Enticingly intriguing creative gatherings…. cold, drudgerous seemingly unending tasks and chores.
Like Trivia Night at the Brewery! Our team, always a solid 4th or 5th… tied for second place! An ever changing group, this one was a doozy! Thankfully, one team member who could only play the first round, had knowledge none of the rest of us even thought about….. Super Bowl Trivia! Like, What team won the first Super Bowl? What is considered to be the most popular food at Super Bowl parties? Which team has the most Super Bowl wins? Versus, scrubbing down the ceiling, walls and all contents of my home kitchen, because an ember unknowingly jumped out of the wood stove, landed on the dog’s bed, and slowly, but steadily, caused the entire bed to smolder and melt into the floor, creating a cloud of black smoke throughout. Luckily, the entire place didn’t succumb. It’s been over a week, and we’re still vacuuming, sweeping, wiping, washing. Soon, new paint. Definitely, a month of anomolies.
David’s 80th Birthday Celebration
An 80th Birthday Brunch held on Ground Hog Day, was like being in an historical novel…. so many connections to so many past events, many of which I had forgotten. A Pomo Basketry Class in the early 1970s, listening to Sunday musical quartets, working on everything environmentally focussed, from altering the Willits by-pass to establishing the Yuki Wilderness in the Mendocino National Forest, traveling to meetings from here to Washington DC, singing together, helping to establish the local community theatre and environmental center, farming….. all of which are now established institutions in our community. What a life!
I’ve wanted to play poker at the Waldorf School Fundraiser for years…. and finally found someone who would join me…. A Texas Hold’em Tournament in the warehouse of our local Sparetime Garden Products terminal. What a trip! Far more men than women seem to like poker. I stayed in until the last three tables (down from 10), but was soon ousted by the mandated exorbitant blinds… and lousy hands that I just couldn’t bluff about. Triumphant, though, despite the odds….. my friend Bobbie stood the test of time…. and Mary, an English teacher and mother by day, beat out the entire posse of want-to-be winners. Dinner was delicious, the school made a bunch of money (a little over $11,000), and most of all, you bet we had a great time!
On a rainy winter afternoon recently, I visited Harmony Gaits in Redwood Valley, California, the home and studios of Spencer Brewer and Esther Siegel. It was warm and colorful, imbued with a sense of intense creativity. Each person was enthralled, studiously working on an individual piece of memorabilia. What an amazing endeavor! Both Spencer and Esther were guiding, inspiring… teaching. An Assemblage Art Camp… what a concept! Perfect for a mid-winter weekend! Here’s a link: https://www.harmonygaits.com/
Admittedly, Spencer and Esther live next door to my sister’s place, Alha Shamaya. She was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis (not a smoker) in September, and had been suffering with it for months prior. It meant stepping up and dealing with an untenable state of affairs…. which ALL of US have to do at some point in our lives, assuredly. Her partner worked hard to caretake, but eventually succumbed to stress and overwork. That meant two people to care for in the same home. Doing paperwork, finding caregivers, filling in the multiple gaps, providing nourishment, paying bills, etc., etc….. So visiting the next door neighbors was a delightful break in an otherwise depressing situation. Sadly, but with relief and release, my sister, Anna passed just last week. Below, a photo of her during better times….
"Since childhood she felt a deep connection with horses, riding and jumping with proficiency at an early age, even wearing her cowboy boots everywhere. Eventually Anna made a healing practice for horses her focus, expanding her connection with this species into her life's work." Valerie Wallace
Newly found lost mugs from Cindy O’Hara.
A package arrived a couple of weeks ago…. with 6 adorably ornamented mugs. Cindy used to bring a few up each summer she came to stay, but hasn’t been for years. She must have been cleaning out her house, divesting of all the stuff we tend to accumulate. Look for them on the wall of the coffee room!
Speaking of summer, we still have some spaces during Family Camp available. Here’s a link: emandal.com/rustic-glamping
Be well, take care of yourselves. My heart aches for friends in the Los Angeles area…. what a devastating, horrific catastrophe. I hope healing can begin soon.