Snow on the Mountain… Still

May 8, 2023….. Potatoes, planted a couple of weeks ago, are emerging beautifully! Onions, too, are enjoying all the rain. Even the rudbeckia we transplanted on the hottest day of the year so far (high 80s), seems to have come through with only minimal damage. Tons of sunflowers from last season’s blooms are sprouting where they were dropped. It won’t be long now, and our tomatoes and peppers will be IN the garden, not in the green house! What we don’t plant will go to the local Gleaners Plant Sale in Willits, May 21. Lots of Sungolds, to be sure!

In preparation for summer, we removed the trees from the camp stage, then took the broken stage apart, saving what lumber we could. In the mean time, we had a few dead firs cut down between the Old Showers and Crossroads. We then combined the two….. with an excavator and an amazing excavator operator. Below, check out our new stage! Similar to our sandbox design, only we used 3 foot diameter logs, and dirt, instead of sand. A water line had to be moved…. and except for the fact that the ditch is still filled with rain water, it will be ready for performances by Memorial Day!

For any attorney that’s concerned…. it’s definitely big enough to hold that 4 piece band (or more) for your Friday night dance-a-thon!

In between garden prep and raking/burning in camp, we had the pleasure of hosting the annual Peregrine Audubon Society’s Birding Brunch last Sunday morning. Sticky Buns and coffee greeted the birders… followed by a walk to Robin’s Pool, then up to the lake, and thence back to the Dining Room for just picked asparagus, with hollandaise, chard, a garden salad with spring flowers, eggs so yellow they seemed fake… sausage… and a fresh rhubarb galette (yes, our own rhubarb, of course!) Blood peach/strawberry smoothies. What decadence!

Yesterday we continued the raking and burning in camp…. and had hoped to pop up this morning, to finish around Blue Heron, Soleil and the showers…. but the rain has not abated. It’s plenty cold enough, so that I’m sure San Hedrin will again have a smattering of snow for a brief time once the clouds disappear


Spring Calves and a Tea Party Fountain


Of Writers and Others…..