Late August, 2023

If the current weather is any indication, fall will soon be here. Chilly evenings, hot days. Poison Oak turning red. Late summer flowers shriveling. Tomatoes tumbling off the vines in bushels. Hot Peppers galore… Blazing Banana, Shishito, Jalapeno, Emerald Fire, Inferno, Dragon Cayenne, Guajillo, Garden Salsa, Flamingo Flare…… Apples, apples, apples!

Our first ArtStay in three years portends greatness in seasons to come. A delightful five days of beautiful weather, delicious food (Kashaya and I fixed breakfast AND dinner for participants), creative energy, enthusiastic participants, caches of camaraderie. Not the official US Postal Service, but our local farm post was in continual operation throughout….. Each meal time, numerous news flashes (authors anonymous)…. real Ripples from the River…. enlightened all participants as to what REALLY was going on at Emandal. Here are a couple of examples compiled by our writing instructor, Susan Bono:

A Fresh Perspective
Viceroy or Monarch over the lawn, passing against this dappled breeze. How many notice the sun shift through willow, pear, cherry—lights strung though the trees? Can we open to this moment like the waiting umbrellas: red, yellow, blue?
                                                                August 23, 2023

 Otter Sighting
An Art-Stayer’s morning river reverie was interrupted this morning with a splash. A moment later, a thousand rainbows appeared in the water droplets beading off the lustrous brown fur of an otter.

Thousands more insects—skimming, flitting, and darting energetically—the backup dancers adding yet more spectacle to this special solo.

This Art-Stayer did not instinctively reach for their phone. In this age of show and tell, they took comfort in the reminder that sometimes the lack of show makes the tell all the more rewarding.
                                                                August 24, 2023

Territorial Dispute
The mouse in Cabin 1 seems to think half the cabin belongs to her. After tense negotiations on the evening of August 24, she refused to leave, but agreed to remain behind the extra bed in the corner. For now.
                                                                August 25, 2023

Added Attraction
The goats asked this reporter to mention the truly marvelous labyrinth waiting on the western edge of the orchard lawn. They encourage you to walk it with a question or an intention. They will cheer you on from their pasture whenever you get bored or impatient. Their work as spiritual guides has been entirely underestimated.
                                                                August 26, 2023

 Rise and Shine
There was a moment at the lake…maybe even two…when there was silence.

Then a fish jumped, and the day began.
                                                                August 27, 2023

We still have space in our September ArtStay…. September 20-24, 2023.

So far, so good, in terms of wildfires. The closest fire was on the side of San Hedrin, about 6 miles to the east of us. Started by a lightening strike, smack in the middle of wilderness, it was kept to a little over 2 acres by both teams on the ground and helicopters scooping water from the river and dumping it on strategic hot spots. Two days of close-by helicopterage, 3 hours or so each day….. meaning right below the Dining Room, near Swallow Rock. Such maneuvering to get so close to the water without hitting any large rocks or bushes or trees. Such noise! The pump must have been huge….. it hovered only 20 seconds before lifting off again, it’s tank filled.

There have been a number of three generation families here this summer…. a couple can be seen below:

And a number of families who helped Tom churn ice cream!

Malanyon and family joined friends in July, and kept Clive’s tradition of Pepperwood Steak alive.

But is there anything much better than the river in summer? Ask anyone who’s been to Emandal…..

Or prepping for or participating in a talent show?

Oh yes….. and enjoying a Cowboy Breakfast! Magnolia was here for a couple of them, and helped us out by serving some of our homemade sausage….

Join us….. especially for Cowboy Poetry/Apple Pie Throwdown/Art in the Garden….. October 14, 2023.


ArtStay II, 2023


Cherries and More Cherries!