2022 Pizzas and Wreaths
What a day! Blue sky, sunshine, relatively warm daytime temperature for winter, smiling faces, people of all ages…. wreaths by the score! It couldn’t have been more perfect weather….. Kids played in the sandbox, hiked to the river, threw balls and other things around on the lawns…… Moms and dads talked and laughed and ate lots of pizza! Kashaya and her crew must have made close to 100 pizzas in five hours. She ended up using ALL her dough. Next year we’re thinking three days….. but only one day with pizza. Some folks really got into the wreath-making and made some for gifting to friends. I figure if we have people come Friday, Saturday and Sunday…. ever so many more can be created…. as long as Bobbi brings her machines, and we get to borrow a couple of others from people we know.
Not only were redwood and huckleberry branches gleaned from the other side of Willits, on the Cooley Ranch, deep down in the always moist canyon bottoms, but from up on the side of San Hedrin, thanks to Dan, who runs cattle up on the mountain, we cut white fir, douglas fir, sugar pine and incense cedar. Tom and Malanyon cut ponderosa pine, doug fir, madrone and manzanita from right around here, as well.
Not on top, but nearly as high as Impassable Rock, we drove above the north facing slope from which we cut our greens, to see Covelo to the north, Willits and the ocean to the west, Ukiah to the south, and more mountains to the east.
Below, check out the 32 inch wreath created here for the Steam Up at Roots of Motive Power at the Mendocino County Museum last weekend….. What a day!